hi ,,
welcome to this carrd !
(click any of these 2 photos to continue)
click any buttons to continue !
! before you submit/tag !
-please do not tag/submit any tweets that misgender people.
-do not tag/submit tweets that talk about srs shit. (ex: someone talking abt something that makes them uncomfy. that is not a struggle.)
-dont tag us in "your (insert number) @ has to (insert smth)" that shits annoying.
-dont fake/plan a struggle please, (ex: 10-0= 15 omg dont @ habibi struggle tweets pls nooo)
-PLEASE. DONT. SEND. US. FUCKING. PAT'S. TWEETS. it makes us uncomfy as fuck.
thank you for reading ig lol
click any of the pictures to go back
also stole most of this from dttwt struggles go check them out theyre cool
-im not gonna reveal myself yet but from now on call me anony
-she/they !
-im a minor(15), dont talk about sexual things when we're chatting.
-adding to the 3rd point that am very uncomfy about sexual things.
hint: im a part of CCST !! :D
click any of the tiger pictures to go back!
-hihi my name is shretzel!! :D
-i go by any pronouns!! neopronouns included, i mostly use he/him tho!
-im a minor!!! please dont talk about sexual things when were chatting, it makes me rlly uncomfy :[
click any of the alex pictures to go back!